honoured and proud to announce that Z V E Z D O L I K I has been invited to perform 2 tracks from our recently Antarctica - Records released double album "maría de buenos aires" - thé fantastico tango operitato by astor piazzolla - during "de 7e dag" on "Éen", national tv. this will be live on december 16th between 11am and 1pm.
so exciting! go go zvezdo :) oriana dierinck, flute . jo vercruysse, violin . tatjana scheck, violin . marie ghitta, viola . dorelle sluchin, cello . ariël eberstein, double bass . anke steenbeke, piano . hendrik braeckman, guitar . gwen cresens, bandoneón raphaële green, maría de buenos aires alejandro fonte, el payador annemie van daele, el duende
eanwhile, our beloved live studio recording of piazzolla's "maría de buenos aires" has been released on october 5th by antarctica records and internationally distributed by challenge records. ; the beautufully designed double CD is available in any online shop you can think of. in a few weeks, it will also be available in fnac. the recording already received several praising reviews. you can read them here and here. feel free to order your copy here. some really exceptional and absolutely great news reached our ears... Z V E Z D O L I K I's creator, founder, artistic director and flautist Oriana Dierinck, has been nominated for one of the 4 "borgerhoutse cultuurprijzen 2018". a jury consisting of previous winners, people from the city arts council, the culture department, and the district councillor borgerhout have chosen a winner for each of the 4 categories : "Reus" (carreer), "Reuzin" (spotlight), "Dolfijn" (promising talent) and "Kinnebaba" (diversity in all fields). the awards ceremony is on November 25th, in Districtshuis Borgerhout. this is such an honour! and... thumbs up! |
January 2025